E-Books Miscellaneous
E-Book #86 History of Dunn's Falls
By Jim Dawson. A history of both the falls and the family whose name they bear. 19 pgs
E-Book #87 Major David Gavin's Horseback Ride
In 1843, from St, George, S.C. to Mississippi and back. 65 pgs
E-Book #88 History of Post Offices, 1830-1971, Lauderdale County, MS
Gives complete listing of all post offices situated within the county, the name of the postmaster, time served, when commenced, when discontinued. 22 pgs
E-Book #91 Guide to Lauderdale County Archives & History, Inc.
E-Book #93 Plantation Diary 1859 (Abstracted)
B.F. Moore Plantation, Lauderdale County, MS. Diary found in an old circuit court book. Offers a birds-eye view of plantation life in 1859, just before the war of rebellion. Deals with daily life and work of slaves. 29 pgs
E-Book #94 History of Board of Police/Board of Supervisors
Lauderdale County, MS by Jim Dawson. 51 pgs
E-Book #95 Sketch on Sam Dale
By Jim Dawson 16 pgs
E-Book #96 Ham, Haymon, & Related Families History
By Joy Ham Montgomery 108 pgs
E-Book Item #279 The Last Full Measure. Lauderdale County In World War II

The list of World War II Soldiers on the Lauderdale County Memorial Wall located in front of the Courthouse in downtown Meridian. The book contains the names and any information that we could locate on these hometown heroes. Branch of Service, Ranks, Date of Deaths,and other various information, as well as photos when available.
Compiled by S.W.Calhoun Jr.
(released September 2011)
Compiled by S.W.Calhoun Jr.
(released September 2011)
E-Book #304 The French Colonists of Marengo County
By John Wesley Beeson. First published a century ago as a series of newspaper articles when Prof. Beeson was president of the Marengo Female Institute. 30 pgs
E-Book #305 Meridian High School Graduates, 1885-1939
Compiled by Dr. Horace Ivy. Invaluable resource contains both alphabetical and year- by- year listings. 176 pgs
E-Book #307 Culpepper & Related Families
Descendants of Joseph Culpepper. Compiled by Levin E. Culpepper. 73 pgs
E-Book #308 County Schools Pictorial Review, 1922
With teacher lists and other information. 66 pgs
E-Book #312 Descendants of James Hardin
Born 1805. Compile by Levin Culpepper. 85 pgs
E-Book #313 The White Family's Wedgeworth Descendants
By Mary Ellen White.
E-Book #404 Chancellors & Attorneys, Lauderdale County, MS
From 1838 (incomplete list). Compiled by Ann Flynt. With some biographical and genealogical information. 67 pgs
E-Book #413 Letters to Margaret
Letters of the Joshua Pruitt Family. 1862- 1887.
E-Book #416 A Band of Brothers
Compiled By S. W. Calhoun, Jr. The story of Co. B of the 46th MS Regt
E-Book #417 Who Are We?
Unidentfied Photographs. Many of these photos were taken in Meridian, Mississippi; New Orleans, and Shreveport, Louisiana; Brimingham and Mobile, Alabama Nashville, Tennessee; and Cincinnati, Ohio; however the people are unidentified. Please help us identify these people.
E-Book #321 Descendants of Thomas H. Goodwyn
Compiled By Levin E. Culpepper.
E-Book #421 Descendants of Private J.D. Caldwell
Various informaton on the Caldwell family and photographs. compiled by Leslie Joyner
E-Book #447 Mississippi's Buried Treasure
By Edward Allen Bishop. Stories of Mississippi’s most famous treasure stories.
E-Book #448 The Three Tomahawks
By K. W. Turner. Informative stories of the American Indians and their leaders in Mississippi.
E-Book #470 Our Dear Boy: Letters of Condolence on the Death of Lt. Thomas Clay Carter, Jr.
Letters to the family transcribed by SW Calhoun, Jr.
E-Book Item #471 Condolence Letters To Mamie Carter Crumpton Upon The Death Of William Cochran Crumpton
Letters to Mamie Crumpton transcribed by SW Calhoun, Jr.
E-Book Item 394 Romani Royalty at Rose Hill Cemetery: King Emil Mitchell, Queen Kelly Mitchell and Family
A look at the lives of the Gypsy King and Queen who are buried at Rose
Hill Cemetery in Meridian, MS, and their families. Information gathered
from newspapers across the nation, internet sources and various books.
By Leslie M. Joyner
Item #282 Lauderdale County Road Journal 1898-1926
Transcribed by S.W.Calhoun, Jr. . Lee Brandon was the first county engineer and apparently compiled this record from Board minutes.