E-Books Abstracted Newspapers
E-Book #78 Abstracted Meridian Weekly
Meridian Weekly newspaper from Lauderdale County, MS. December 12, 1889. Life, death, and funeral of Jefferson Davis. 33 pgs
E-Book #445 Index to The Meridian Star's Citations of Military person from the Greater Meridian Region in World War II
with names of many Non-Mississippians who trained at Meridian’s Key Field. By Fred Edmiston. Index to soldiers with ties to Lauderdale County during World War II.
Item #276 Abstracts From The Lauderdale Republican 1854-1856
Articles abstracted from the newspaper of Meridian, The Lauderdale Republican. Transcribed by Fred Edmiston from Microfilm from the Meridian/Lauderdale County Library, during his research of his book (Item #443) Lauderdale: Mississippi’s Empire County Volume 1 and typed by S.W. Calhoun, Jr. (Relased May 2012)